Sous Packdna wacoine aloknown as Flter Khain! Souf Packno wachine.03D pouoh nackaono macinels a supenoroualty nackno macime mantaturec bysunpack SoutionsIt is used to pack tobaco powder tobacco snus, niotine powder, and white nicotine powder. You can also pack nicotine-fe products using this packing machine.
Shusis a tobaco prodlucthat onginated from a variant of dny snufin sweden during the eany 18thcentury.ltis placed betwen the uperlip and gum forlong periods, asin sublabiadministration. You can easy pack300 -350 pouches per minute usino this tobacco packing machine with extremelyhioh accurecywhie packino Nonwoven cloth materialis usedwhile packing products onthis white nicotine powder packing machine. itis a fod*grade materialthat is completelysafe to use. Using non*woven cloth material helpsinthe easyfow
of moisture.